Artikel: Pesantren

By Ali Romdhoni


There are many islamic boarding schools (pesantrens) in Indonesia. They are a typical of Islamic educational institution. Those institutions were built by Walisongo, and they are used to spread the religion in Nusantara. They provide educational facilities to the Indonesian society. They are led by a islamic teacher (kiai). They became a community referral.

In Central Java, the number of Pesantren are about 3,719 building. Each Pesantren has its own caracter. Zamachsyari Dhofier said that there is two types of Pesantrens. The First one is Salaf Pesantren. Its learn about the classical books of Islam as an educational reference.
Masjid Baitus Salam Pondok Pesantren Al Ma'ruf Bandungsari, Grobogan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
The Second one is Modern Pesantren. This kind of pesantren examines modern islamic literatures, such as Pesantren of Gontor. But, in this time the types of Pesantren are already diverse. These types of Pesantrens can not be classified in to two groups.

The main purpose of Pesantren is teaching to the students about the science of religion (tafaqquh fid-din) and social. In the 1970s, there are Pesantren modernization programs. At the time, the students in Pesantren are not only learning religious velues and social sciences, but also the technology and information.

Papan nama Pesantren Lirboyo Kediri
 Pesantren has also been a source of inspiration for the scientists, researchers and prospective scholar. The Pesantren institutions have become a research center for PhD candidates from various disciplines: anthropology, sociology, education, politics, religion and so on.

They are about the dynamics of Pesantren. As educational institutions, Pesantrens follow the changing of the time. Pesantrens should be able to keep their trademark as a religious educational institution, but also need to respond the modernity to face the competition in the life. Pesantren communies also need modern science. The most importan thing is Pesantren can help the community and the government to educate the society.

Wallahu a’lam.


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